
With Lissa Young, Jennie Weiner, and Steve Wlodarczyk. "Leading teams of leaders: What helps team member learning?" Phi Delta Kappan.,(forthcoming)

“Knowing How to Help” in the web exclusive January/February issue of Principal magazine.,(forthcoming)

With Shasha Dobrow and Kate Roloff. "Optimism in the new boundaryless career environment: The role of developmental networks. [Special Issue: The New Boundaryless Career]. Journal of Organizational Behavior.,(forthcoming)

With Rick Hess. "Learning to succeed at scale." Journal of School Choice. 3(1), 8-24.,(2009)

With Shasha Dobrow and Dawn Chandler. "Never quite good enough: The paradox of sticky developmental relationships for elite university graduates." Special Interdisciplinary Issue on Mentoring, Journal of Vocational Behavior 72: 207-224.,(2008)

With Kathy Kram. "A new mindset on mentoring: Creating developmental networks at work." In Business Insights, a joint publication by the Wall Street Journal and the MIT Sloan Management Review.,(2008)

Tiffany Cheng at Dignitas (A,B). With Lissa Young and Bristol Charrow. HGSE Case.,(2008)

Work is Good: Branding the Employability Mission. With Lynda Applegate and Susan Saltrick. HBS Case 809-028.,(2008)

Marina Lee at Meumona (A,B). With Marcia Russell. HGSE Case.,(2008)

With James R. Dillon. “Career patterns and organizational performance,” In Peiperl, M. and Gunz, H. (Eds.), Handbook of Career Studies, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications: 422-436.,(2007)

With Dawn Chandler and Kathy E. Kram. “Boundary spanning of developmental networks: A social network perspective on mentoring,” In Ragins, B.R. and Kram, K.E. (Eds.), The Handbook of Mentoring at Work: Theory, Research, and Practice, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.,(2007)

With Jerry Kim. “Where do alliances come from? The role of upper echelons in alliance formation.” Research Policy, 3(4): 499-514.,(2007)

With Jonathon Cummings. “Relational instability at the core: Support dynamics in developmental networks.” Social Networks, 28: 38–55.,(2006)

“We’re Here to Help (Not!)” In Maruca, R. (Ed.), What Managers Say, What Employees Hear: Connecting with Your Front Line (So They’ll Connect with Customers), Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers: 65-72.,(2006)

“A contingency perspective on developmental networks,” In Dutton, J. and Ragins, B.R. (Eds.),Exploring Positive Relationships at Work: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates: 207-224.,(2006)

With Ranjay Gulati. “Stacking the deck: The effects of top management team composition on investor decision-making.” Strategic Management Journal, 27(1): 1–25.,(2006)

With Shasa Dobrow. “Developmental networks and professional identity: A longitudinal study.”Special Issue on Mentoring, Career Development International, 10(6/7): 567–587.,(2005)

Career Imprints: Creating Leaders Across an Industry. Warren Bennis’s Leadership Development Series, Jossey-Bass Publishers/A Wiley Company. (April).,(2005)

“Career imprinting and leadership development: Theory and practice.” In Chowdhury, S. (Ed.),Next Generation Business Handbook. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley: 91–105.,(2004)

With Ranjay Gulati. “Getting off to a good start: The effects of upper echelon affiliations on underwriter prestige.” Organization Science, 14(3): 244–263.,(2003)

With Ranjay Gulati. “Which ties matter when? The contingent effects of interorganizational partnerships on IPO Success.” Strategic Management Journal, 24(2):127–144.,(2003)

“Careers creating industries: Some early evidence from the biotechnology industry.” In Peiperl, M.B., Arthur, M.B., and Anand, N. (Eds.), Career Creativity: Explorations in the Remaking ofWork, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press: 280–297.,(2002)

With David A. Thomas. “Constellations and careers: Toward understanding the effects of multiple developmental relationships.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22(3): 223–247.,(2001)

With Kathy E. Kram. “Reconceptualizing mentoring at work: A developmental network perspective.” Academy of Management Review, 26(2): 264–288.,(2001)

“Follow the leader? The effects of social influence on employer choice.” Group and Organization Management. Special Issue of Careers in the 21st Century, Summer(3): 255–282.,(2001)

“When is helping helpful? Effects of evaluation and intervention timing on individual task performance.” Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 37(3): 280–298.,(2001)

“Changing careers: The effects of social context.” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 22(6): 595–618.,(2001)

With Lloyd Trotter, Steven L. Ablon, Stuart Pearson, and Mohan Mohan. “What should C.J. do?” (comment on case entitled, “Too old to learn?”, by Diane L. Coutu). Harvard Business Review, 78(6): 43–52.,(2000)

“The more, the merrier? Multiple developmental relationships and work satisfaction.” Journal of Management Development, 19(4): 277–296.,(2000)

With Nitin Nohria. “The side-kick effect: Mentoring relationships and the development of social capital.” In Leenders, R. and Gabbay, S. (Eds.), Corporate Social Capital and Liability. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers: 161–179.,(1999)

With David A. Thomas. “Mentoring and the boundaryless career: Lessons from the minority experience.” In Arthur, M.B. and Rousseau, D.M. (Eds.), The Boundaryless Career: A New Employment Principle for a New Organizational Era. New York: Oxford University Press: 268–281.,(1996)